Youth Empowerment Baseball, Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions
Statement of Purpose
Board of Directors
Program News and Updates
Program Schedule
Past Players
Baseball College
Players' Corner
Sponsorship Club
Photo Gallery
Lyrics from Da' Coach

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is the program coed?

Yes, we teach boys and girls simultaneously in the classroom and separate them in training when appropriate.

2. What is the age brackets for the College?

There are 3 main age groups. 8-12, 13-15 and 16-18

3. Why can't parents watch what goes on?

Although parents mean well, they have proven to be more of a hindrance than a help. To offer the best possible educational environment for all athletes, it is not productive to have to spend time "coaching" parents. Therefore parents are invited to come to a meeting on the first day, where we will talk briefly about the program and answer questions, and on the last day of the program, when the awards are giving out.

4. Do I really need to take notes?

YES. Athletes will get too much information to absorb simply by
listening. To get the full benefit from the program, you need to build a checklist throughout the week and refer to that checklist after you leave. You can't make a hundred new things part of your typical style of play just by listening attentively during the program. You will have to plan on taking notes and then refer to those notes, often, after you leave.

5. How long is the Winter College Session?

The winter session consists of 10 weeks, 16 class session for a total of 64 credit hours.

6. What should I bring and wear to the College?

As a requirement, each student is ask to wear the college tee-shirt, shorts or sweat pants, sneakers and socks. Each student is also ask to bring a note pad and pen or pencil.

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